Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kentucky Senate Race

According to the most recent poll from PPP, it shows Sen. Mitch McConnell barely ahead of Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes 43-42%.  It also shows Republican Matt Bevin ahead of Grimes 39-38%.  It shows that McConnell has a 31-61% disapproval rating.  It also shows Grimes with a 31-37% unfavorability rating.  Matt Bevin also has 13-23% unfavorability rating.  Unfortunately, the poll also shows that President Obama has a 31-64 disapproval rating among Kentucky voters.  Democrats are hopeful they can take down McConnell because he's so unpopular among Kentucky voters.  I think Alison Grimes can win this race because she's running the race as a Kentucky Democrat and not a National Democrat.  Grimes has made clear she disagrees with the Obama administration on it's position on coal.  She's also made clear that she supports raising the minimum wage something voters in Kentucky support very strongly.  She's also made clear she disagrees with National Democrats on gun rights.  As Grimes gets better known among voters, I'm sure she'll have an even better chance.

Footnotes- Kentucky Senate race continues to look like a toss upAlison Lundergan Grimes says she opposes Obama's coal policies ...Grimes Repeats Call For Higher Minimum Wage | WUKYKentucky Shootout: Alison Lundergan Grimes and Mitch McConnell ...

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