Monday, December 23, 2013

Georgia Senate Race

A couple days ago, there was an article published in the Washington Post talking about Michelle Nunn's U.S. Senate run.  The article talked about the efforts of the Democratic Party trying to win a statewide race in Georgia.  Michelle Nunn is absolutely capable of winning the senate race in Georgia.  In a poll by PPP back in August, it showed Michelle Nunn leading or tied with her potential Republican opponents.  Three of her potential Republican opponents have already made pretty embarrassing gaffes.  Congressman Paul Broun called evolution and the Big Bang Theory, "Lies Straight from the Pit of Hell".  Congressman Phil Gingrey said, "Todd Akin is partly right about legitimate rape."  Finally, Congressman Jack Kingston suggested children who receive reduced cost lunches should become school janitors.  In October, Michelle Nunn raised $1.7 Million for the three-month filing period.  It proves that even though Michelle Nunn has never run for office, she is definitely capable of winning this race in a historically Republican state.  The changing demographics also help Nunn in Georgia as well.  President Obama won 47% of vote in 2008 and he won 45% of the vote in 2012 even though he never really contested the state either time.  I think Georgia is one of the states Democrats will flip from Republicans to Democrats in the U.S. Senate race.

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