Thursday, January 2, 2014

Health Care... is it here to stay?

As of January 1st, more than 2 Million people enrolled under the ACA.  The 2 Million people represents the people who enrolled under the private health insurance exchanges.  4 Million people have also signed up for the Medicaid expansion under the law.  In Kentucky, more than 116,000 have signed up insurance through the new law.  Provisions prohibiting Pre-Existing condition exclusions, bans on lifetime limits, and other provisions from the law went into effect on January 1st.  I sincerely believe this law will work if given the proper amount of time.  Many people believe this law was destined to fail from day one.  This law will succeed and it will accomplish what it sets out to do which is helping more Americans get access to health insurance.  In West Virginia, 83,000 people signed up for the Medicaid expansion.  That's a great thing since West Virginia is one of the poorest states in America.

Footnotes- More than 2 million enrolled under ObamacareMore than 2 million enrolled, 4 million to Medicaid, officials saidHealth insurance enrollment in Kentucky exceeds 116000Major health law changes begin in 2014W.Va. tops in Medicaid expansion enrollmentAmerica's Richest (and Poorest) States - Yahoo Finance

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